Who are we?

Prayaas (प्रयास) is an endeavour of Centre for New Economics StudiesJindal School of Liberal Arts and Humanities, O.P. Jindal Global University to expand the breadth of intellectual knowledge, while incubating a spirit of ‘knowing’ amongst students of social sciences, arts, and humanities across India and South Asia.

The Centre for New Economics Studies (CNES) is a research centre that aims to focus more on exploring the diversity of the scholarship on economics. At CNES, students and young researchers are not only exposed to the basic foundations of economic reasoning and thought but are exposed to the inter-disciplinary application of the discipline of economics.

What we do?

Prayaas from the Fall of 2022 shall offer paid short-term online certificate courses every academic term to interested students from any location in India or outside through live-lectures scheduled over weekends. Each course will include 30 hours of instructional learning (via online lectures).

Upon the successful completion of the course, a student will be awarded a ‘Certificate of Completion’ by the Centre for New Economics Studies, Jindal School of Liberal Arts and Humanities, O.P. Jindal Global University. Top 5 percent performaers will also be awarded a 'Letter of Merit'.

Our Team

Prof. (Dr.) Mohan Kumar

Professor and Dean of the Office of International Affairs & Global Initiatives, O.P. Jindal Global University

Prof. Deepanshu Mohan

Professor of Economics & Director, CNES, O.P. Jindal Global University.

Dr. Neelanjan Sircar

Senior Visiting Fellow at CPR and Assistant Professor at Ashoka University

Dr. Shamindra Nath Roy

Associate Fellow, Centre for Policy Research

Mr. Anuj Kundarap

Financial Advisor

Prof. (Dr.) Sukalpa Chakrabarty

Associate Professor & Deputy Director, Symbiosis School of International Studies. Senior Advisory Member, CNES, O.P. Jindal Global University.

Dr. Khushdeep Kaur

Principal Research Scientist, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

Prof. (Dr.) Agha Ambreen

Associate Professor & Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs (Undergraduate Programs), O.P. Jindal Global University.

Prof. (Dr.) Avinash Godbole

Associate Professor of International Relations & China Studies & Associate Academic Dean, Jindal School of Liberal Arts and Humanities, O.P. Jindal Global University

Shivani Agarwal

Senior Research Assistant, Centre for New Economics Studies